Church Blog

Fields Of white, Ready for Harvest
If you live in a rural setting, in the United States, you understand harvest season, it is September, and pumpkin spice is in the air. People have transitioned their summer decor, now ... Continue

Christians attacking Christians
So recently, I wrote on a post from a friend talking about black lives matter. In my comment I mentioned that, “shouldn’t we encourage dialogue around Colossians 3:11?” Now I want to ... Continue

Dealing with setbacks In life there are constant setbacks, setbacks knows not skin color, social or economic, setbacks are genderless and apply to all people. Some setbacks are really just “first world ... Continue

Fan Or Follower?
I have to admit something first and foremost, I am a college football fan, not specifically of every team or every game. But what draws me to this sport more than others, ... Continue

Gift Of Salvation
Everyone remembers the feeling of Christmas morning here in America, the anticipation, the joy, the excitement… as a child it was always the most exhilarating time of year. You either traveled to ... Continue

Thankful for the Gift
Recently, I’ve been pondering this season… the question is often asked, “What are you thankfulfor this year?” And if I’m honest I don’t stop to really consider something deeper to be thankfulfor. ... Continue

We Were and are Family
We Were And Are Family I find that the similarities of this family that I still love and cherish to this day, are surprisingly similar to a different family we read about ... Continue